Monday Apr 15, 2024

Postpartum During COVID and my battle w/ Athena Estelle


In this episode, Reese welcomes guest Athena Estelle to discuss her experience with postpartum. Athena shares her journey from pregnancy to labor and the challenges she faced with breastfeeding and her baby's health. She also talks about discovering her baby's torticollis and flat spot on the head, and the consideration of using a helmet. Athena opens up about her struggles with postpartum depression and the importance of maintaining her identity and self-care as a new mom. The episode concludes with a discussion on the support Athena received from a meal train and delegating household tasks. In this episode, Athena Estelle shares her experience with postpartum depression and how she navigated through it with the support of her loved ones. She emphasizes the importance of preparing for motherhood and building a strong support circle. Athena also discusses the challenges she faced in seeking professional help and the crucial role her friends played in her recovery. She highlights the significance of community and finding joy amidst difficult circumstances. Finally, Athena shares where listeners can connect with her and encourage open conversations about postpartum depression.


Postpartum experiences can vary greatly, and it's important to have open conversations about the challenges and emotions that come with it.

Breastfeeding challenges, such as low milk supply or difficulty latching, can be common and seeking support from lactation consultants can be helpful.
Torticollis and flat spots on a baby's head are common issues that may require physical therapy or the use of a helmet to correct.

Postpartum depression is a real and serious condition that can affect any new mother, and seeking professional help is important.
Maintaining your identity and practicing self-care as a new mom is crucial for your well-being and mental health.

Seeking support from friends, family, and community resources, such as meal trains, can provide much-needed assistance during the postpartum period. Preparing for motherhood involves making plans and discussing fears and resources with a community of expecting mothers.

Building a support circle is essential for navigating postpartum depression, and having loved ones who can provide practical and emotional support is crucial.
Seeking professional help for postpartum depression can be challenging, but persistence is key to finding the right psychiatrist and therapist.

Friends can play a significant role in supporting someone with postpartum depression, whether it's through spending time together or providing practical help like running errands or bringing meals.

Having a strong community is vital in overcoming postpartum depression, as it provides a sense of love, support, and understanding.

Finding joy and control amidst postpartum depression involves identifying activities or hobbies that bring comfort and distraction from negative thoughts.
Listeners can connect with Athena Estelle through her website and listen to her podcast, 'Delivered, Finding Victory After Postpartum Depression.'
Postpartum depression is a taboo topic that needs to be openly discussed to raise awareness and provide support to those who are struggling.



00:00 Introduction and Welcoming the Guest
01:30 Starting the Conversation on Postpartum
03:09 Pregnancy and Labor Experience
06:33 Challenges with Breastfeeding and Baby's Health
09:11 Discovering Torticollis and Flat Spot on Baby's Head
13:28 Struggles with Postpartum Depression
18:14 Consideration of Helmet for Baby's Flat Spot
23:07 Maintaining Identity and Self-Care as a New Mom
27:25 Transitioning into the Role of Mom
32:13 Support from Meal Train and Delegating Household Tasks
34:26 Preparing for Motherhood
35:55 Building a Support Circle
36:29 Seeking Professional Help
37:30 Friends as Support
38:29 The Importance of Community
39:29 Finding Joy and Control
43:34 Connecting with Athena Estelle
45:47 The Taboo of Postpartum Depression

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